Lighting is key... The iris is small, shiny & sensitive, making it difficult to magnify and analyse as one needs strong, neutral & cool lighting. The IrisExplorer meets the challenge by providing exactly that. It enables Iridology practitioners to clearly and quickly see the information available in the iris while preserving patient comfort.
Practical research is the main driver behind the development of the IrisExplorer so we set the bar high in every measure.
Taking very high quality photos with this specialised equipment does require practice in the beginning. That said, given that we advise exactly what settings will work best with the Iriscope most customers get the hang of taking usable images in just a few shots. We have sold hundreds of Iriscopes and have the experience to know why and how a photo is too dark or not sharp, most of the time its a camera setting that’s out so a quick adjustment will do the trick.
There are short videos showing you how to setup the equipment and set any settings that are required. If you don’t get the hang of it after watching the instruction videos and checking settings, contact us and we’ll help you.
Yes, unfortunately many dark irises are more difficult to capture. But our IrisExplorer is to our knowledge, the most capable camera type Iriscope on the market. The lighting design requirements specifically included being able to photograph dark brown irises giving results of 9 out of 10 photos qualifying as "high quality" to "very useable quality".
We have many practitioners successfully using our equipment in areas where more than 70% of the population has Hematogenic irises : E.G. Congo (Central Africa), Caribbean Islands, South of France, Spain, Portugal...
NB : When comparing our iriscope and lighting device with other models, please always ask to see a large selection of dark irises!!! Many sites don't show these, so you might need to contact them.