About Iridology

About Iridology | IrisLab

About Iridology

Iridology (the study of the iris) is used to gather more information or clues about a person’s health. Not to make a diagnosis or conclusion. There’s a big difference between the two. To date, there is simply not enough research done in order to make definitive claims. Working in the field of holistic health for 15 years, I’ve heard a lot of claims about iridology that I have not been able to clearly verify in order to be able to make conclusions or diagnoses. It’s unethical and dangerous to those seeking help with their health to say iridology can “Diagnose”.

Having said that, the clues that iridology can point to are sometimes very valuable when used in conjunction with other health information. It can point a practitioner that works in a holistic and preventative way to ask questions that reveal what lays at the root of a health imbalance. To me, it seems iridology can, amongst other things, show what was inherited and thus what a person might have as areas of strengths and weaknesses. Health is not only something physical, but it also includes mental and emotional components. The iris may also have clues related to those levels.

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Much more research is needed, especially on large numbers of people and with a wide array of health data. Until then, iridology can be useful in the search for more crucial health information in order to understand the nature/causes of health imbalances. Each iridology clue needs to be corroborated with other methods. If interested in looking into iridology as a source for understanding one's health more, don’t neglect other sources. Allopathic medicine is particularly good with diagnosis (finding what is going on) of physical issues. It may not be enough to fully understand the why, the deeper causes or the environment that enabled an imbalance to be created in the first place. But it’s very important to not exclude any sources of understanding.

I'm a very enthusiastic iridologist and at the same time have a strong need to see very clear evidence. The best practitioners draw conclusions from collecting many clues and only when most elements confirm what they think is the cause of the imbalance (Iridology is one source of the clues).

I look at many theories from various people and always check if what the theory says is in line with what other health information is pointing to.

Soon I will be organising my knowledge and experience and sharing it here. Watch this space :-)

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